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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Running Log

Today we began our 17 mile trek at 4:30 am!! Yes you read that correctly, 4:30am. This was 30 minutes earlier than normal. If you are thinking that it doesn't sound like that much earlier I dare you to try it. It makes a difference!! We wanted to beat the heat today!! It was a beautiful morning. I have no idea what the temp was, but it was cool. We ran into our friend Richard on the way. He ran a little while with us, then went his own way! Who knew you could run into someone at 4:30! Haha. I was determined to have a great run! By mile 7 or 8, I think, I began to hear my left foot screaming at me. It would seem that I have grabbed the wrong socks in slumbering fog while getting ready to go!! I also failed to lube my feet up. This is something I haven't done in a while because it has been so hot that I have not needed to. By mile 13 or 14, who knows but near the end, my foot hurt so bad that I was now unable to run. I hate blisters. When I trained for Cowtown and OKC in 1999 and 2000 I got them all of the time. This time around has been different. I have had a few here and there but not like this. I was actually afraid to take off my socks to see the damage I had done. I felt so strong though, I wanted to finish running. I couldn't. I felt with every step my blisters getting bigger and bigger!! I was on my way back when Susan called my cell. Here I am walking, trying not to hobble, down Waketon and my phone rings. Knowing that no one else was awake, something was wrong. I answered and it was Susan. She's lost. I knew when I saw her number that she was lost. Since she is a bit faster than me, she usually ends up ahead of me. This is usually fine, but this time she got lost. She turned when she was not supposed to. Oops!! She came back to meet me. I was afraid for her. She sounded afraid when she was on the phone. Sometimes when you are running you get into this place where you are sort of asleep. You are moving through time, but you are totally unware of what is going on around you. Unfortunately when she stepped out of that place, she was very unsure of where she was or how to get back. She was in a very familiar area and found her way back, but it was very scary for her. She was unsure of how she got to where she was. It seemed so simple, the route. I have done to exact same thing before. I can relate. It is very disorienting to not know how you got somewhere and not sure how to get back on track. Well all ended well. I am disappointed that my feet held me back. I was so strong. The cooler weather was a blessing, but with it comes some minor obstacles that you forget about when it is so unusual. Now I know. Run at 4:30 before the heat comes on and wear appropriate socks!!
16.5 miles in 3 hours and 30 minutes!! Woohoo!!
Blog on friends!!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Peanut M & M's make you skinny

I thought that title might catch your attention. Haha. This is of course very FALSE!! That one was for you, Janice. Heehee. I wanted to talk about lunch and give you all some tips on what to eat for lunch and maybe a new perspective on lunch. First of all, if you workout in the early evening time you need to fuel your body appropriately to prepare for the workout. Lunch is a great time to do so. If you are not hungy by lunch time, you have eaten too much for breakfast. However, if you cannot make to lunch before you are starving, you may not have eaten enough at breakfast. This may seem like I am talking in circles, but it will all make sense is just a sec. Most people will get hungry every 4 hours or so. If you eat at 8am (who does this?) then you should be hungry by 12, but if you are hungry at 10:30 then you did not eat enough at 8. The same could be said in the other direction. If you are hungry at 2 after eating at 12 you did not eat enough at lunch. Make sense? Great!! Now that is settled, let's move on. Here are some tips for lunch:
**Strive for around 500 calories for lunch.
**Don't forget the peanut butter. Yes, it has more calories and more fat, but it may help you say not to the cookies and other sweets in the afternoon. Plus, it will stay in your system longer than the average Turkey sandwich.
**Not a sandwich person, okay eat leftover from last night's dinner. These can easily be reheated in a microwave and costs less than the other varieties of frozen meals.
**Beware of salads. They alone (lettuce and dressing) often provide too few calories and too much fat. Here are some tips for making good salad choices:
>boost carbs by adding: corn, beets, carrots, or peas, beans and legumes (I love that word), chick peas, three bean salad, orange slices, apples, bananas, and raisins
>choose a variety of dark colorful veggies; these provide more nutrients than the lighter versions (spinach is better than ice burg), red tomatoes, carrots, and green pepper. Go light on cucumber, ice burg lettuce, onion, mushrooms.
>Pile on postassium rich veggies: romaine lettuce, broccoli, tomato and carrot
>Include adequate protein and lean meats; cottage cheese, tofu, lean turkey slices, chicken, tuna, canned salmon and so on.
>Go easy on the dressing; ask for it on the side at restaraunts, and always go for the lighter versions of your favorite dressing. Remember though, that even the light dressings can still add hidden calories to your nutritious meal.

Don't skip lunch your body needs refueling before you workout!! Also, you want to speed up metabolism, not slow it down. Encourage a quicker metabolism by eating smaller meals more frequently.
Bon Apetit!!
Blog on friends!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Workout Log

It was another gorgeous morning. Light sprinkles, and cool. I loved it. I ran 3.5 miles in 35 minutes. I am hearing Steve McCaulley on Channel 8 tell me that summer will return on Saturday! How sad. I am really excited for fall. It is my favorite time of the year. I like winter too, but my fave is fall!! I can't wait. My body is stiff today, weird. I think because I pushed through the workout so hard yesterday. I am sure all will be well with a little rest. So if you see me hobbling around, now you know why. My right foot and left hip hurts! It will get better with time. Oh the life of a runner, a stubborn runner.
Blog on friends!

Food Log 7/28/05

Small Banana
1/2 cup Egg Beaters
Plain Bagel
1 TBSP Light Cream Cheese (let's see if this triggers any skin reactions?)
Taco Salad
M and M's
Taco Salad
Ritz Crisps

Running Totals:
Calories: 1993
**Double Day today:
Ran this morning 3.5 miles
Eliptical Training 30 minutes
Total caloric output: 1000
** I am still eating. I don't think I ate enough today!! Need more calories, afraid to eat too much!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Workout Log

What a glorious morning!! It was a brisk 74 degrees this morning. I am so thankful for that!! Susan and I met this morning wondering if we would be able to complete our sprints this morning. It was lightening and sprinkling. It rained pretty hard on my way to her house, but I continued on. I was not about to just give in. Afterall, I have been mentally preparing for all 16 for a few days. It was one reason to not push so hard last Saturday. I started today very strong. I felt great, just my foot hurt. As athletes we tend not to listen to those kinds of things. I probably should, but won't give in. About half way through, Susan started to not feel so good. So she walked 2 and then went inside of her house. She was done. I think she might be getting sick. I decided that I would push through and finish, since last time we did 16 I pooped out. I got through 12 and was seriously doubting whether or not to finish. I sat and took a break; then decided that I would not quit. I have this cooler weather, I really have no excuse. I completed at 16, which was a feat!! As I was finishing the last two, I began to feel God's encouragement raining around me. I knew if I finished slow, I would finish very wet. I made it through the last one in my fastest time, 1:50. As I ran up the hill I just ran straight to the Jeep. It was starting to rain very hard. It is funny what you learn in times like these. I feel strong today because I believe the holy spirit was working in me. I was open to hear the Lord speak today. As the rain is coming down all around me I am reminded of three things: 1) It is during the journey and struggles that you find peace and solice in what you are doing; 2) Preserverence and prayer will always get you through; and 3) God will always be there encouraging you along the path he has set before you. I felt and heard God very clearly this morning. Even if I don't feel like I am making progress, I am. In my pain, struggles and defeat I am being built by God to carry on. He has given me the strength and spirit to push forward toward the prize. My work is not done yet. Susan, thank you for giving me the encouragement to begin running again. I have been through a ton of changes since last July, and I want you to know that I might not have arrived to this point had not been for your persistence in running with me. I truely treasure our friendship. Thank you!!
Blog on friends!!

Food Log 7/27/05

1/2 banana
Energice Gel
Go lean crunch
small banana
1 cup Soy milk
2 Turkey dogs
1/2 cup Vegetarian Baked Beans
Whole grain bagel
Chick fil a sandwich
waffle fries
Running Totals:
Fat: 48
Fiber: 32.5
Calories burned during workout: 811
**16 x 400's (goal pace 2:05-2:15)
**Completed all 16, slowest pace 2:18; fastest 1:50
**Foot is still hurting

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My Purpose

I am not sure if I stated why I have started a blog site. I wanted to hold myself accountable for what I am eating and how I am training. My running partner Susan also started one for similar reasons. We check each other's site frequently. I also wanted a place to share tips and advice on weight loss and healthy living. The best way I can is to be an example. So learn from my mistakes. I hope that you all will check in often, and if I am lucky you will learn something new. I plan to be as candid as possible. I also plan to keep my focus on giving tips and advice. So stick with me, together we will achieve our goals!!
Blog on friends!

Food Log 7/26/05

1/2 cup Egg beaters
2 slices of toast with Cinnabutter
Birthday cake (oh yes, you read that correctly!!)
2 Turkey Dogs
1/2 Vegetarian Baked Beans
Birthday cake (if you are going to blow, blow it big I say)
Ceasar Salad (leftover from Maggiano's)

Running Totals:

**Today is a Double Day!! Yea!! I plan to do 2 workouts today!!
** I did not end up doing 2 workouts today. I am not sure why, I feel strong. Lack of motivation? Who knows. I did do one workout with Susan this evening: 30 minutes XT (377 cal. burned), and 30 minutes of tough weights. Upper body only, due to the fact that we will be doing 16 quarter mile repeats. Yes, that does say 16!! Yikes!! I can do it!


As I am watching the launch of the Discovery shuttle this morning I am reminded of childhood dreams. I remember wanting to be an astronaut. I covered my walls with pictures of past missions, research and space shuttles. I owned a picture of earth from orbit and still today I believe is one of the most beautiful sites I have ever layed eyes on. As the years pass my dreams of being an astronaut have faded but dreams of achieving the impossible has not. I am a perpetual optimist. I believe that someday there will be world peace, that there won't be a difference in skin color or socioeconomic level, and there will be enough food to feed even the poorest of people. I am blessed with a wonderful family, loving husband, and several modes of employment that I love. I believe the very best is yet to come. Dream big, my friends, if we as a human race can send a 400 million pound shuttle into space than we can do ANYTHING we set our minds to do. I start today off with a renewed perspective. I encourage all of you to do the same. The enormity of what took place this morning is yet to be known, but as I said before the best is yet to come.
Blog on friends!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Food Log 7/25

Workout: 1 hour weights with Richard and 4 miles on treadmill
Chocolate Smoothie
Jamaican Banana Bread
1/2 cup Egg Beaters
Corn Dog
3 mozzarella sticks
Dt. Cherry Vanilla Coke
Maggiano's Ceasar Salad
Birthday cake (It was Jen's, my sister, 26th birthday)

Running Totals:
Calories burned during workout: 680
Caloric intake:1670? Not sure

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Get Ready!

On the left is Marta, Susan's friend, Susan is in the middle, and on the right is me!! We look so fit!!Our hard work is starting to pay off!!

Food Log 7/24/05

I will not reveal what I ate yesterday, Just know that it was plenty!!!

Jamaican Banana Bread
Chocolate Smoothie
PB and J sandwich
Ritz crisps
Applesauce cup
Peanut M and M's
Jeanie O turkey Dogs 2
10 oven cooked tater tots
Sugar Free Jello cup

Running Total:

**I just found out about a family death, so I may actually do a slow easy run today. I feel a little sad even though I did not know the person all that well. It is sad to think that one whole generation on one side of my family is gone. I mourn the loss of the last Carver.
***Decided to hold true to the "Day of Rest" plan. I did not move around very much today. Mostly napped and ate, light dog walking, but nothing strenuous!! I did get a lot of reading done today!

Run, Run, Run, Wallk?

Yesterday Susan, Marta (Susan's friend from Ohio) and I ran the Too To Handle 15K at White Rock Lake. It was a blazing 87 degrees with high humidity. This particular race happens to be one of the biggest races in Dallas over the summer, with around 2000 runners. From what I understand, many runners will use this race as a test. I was asking myself, what test? Intellegence, Insanity? Oh, Heat endurance. As I am drudging on, I wonder what race are all of these people training for if they are testing themselves for heat endurance...Badwater? (For all those who don't know, Badwater is an ultra distance race through a desert. Ultra meaning more than 26 miles, usually 50 or 100 miles of continuous running, the very definition of insanity!!). I went into this race fearing the heat and what it would do to my body over the next several days following the race. I started strong but at a very cautious pace, slow. As I began to warm up, I sped up. I was running just over a 10 minute mile, I think. Around mile 5 or so, I was really hot. Ridiculously hot. I stopped running like someone turned off a switch in me. At that point I came to a decision, Run and push through or Walk and survive the rest of the day. This may actually sound a bit extreme to many of you, but running in heat in excess of 85 degrees is usually forbidden. I was feeling strong. I walked a mile and "cooled" down if that was possible. By mile 7 I was ready to run again, so I did. I only ran about a half mile, before feeling an internal meltdown occurring. Oh yeah, they ran out of water at the water stops since mile 4. Good races will provide water every 1.5-2 miles. Thank the good heavens that I carried water with me. It was at about mile 7.5 that I decided to walk the rest of the way. This race was not worth wasting the rest of the day and the early days of next week on recovery. There were things I wanted to get done. I met some really great people along my walk. People with my same struggles with Left brain (trying to tell us we don't actually want to run anywhere!!) training for the same race I am, Chicago. At this point Chicago feels like some figment of our imagination that we are all chasing. Definitely no where near reality. Yet we continue to train, push through hours of discomfort, and mentally prepare for one of the more historical marathons in the US. Chicago, all though you are still 77 days away, we are anxiously awaiting you!!

Just in case you were wondering, Susan finished in 1 hour and 41 minutes (slower than her ususal pace, but safe), Marta finished in 1 hour 23 minutes, and I at a snail's pace in 2 hours and 13 minutes. All of us missed our intial goals, but we finished...alive and without heat stroke. YEA! I am not disappointed, I knew this race would be slow and that I would end up walking a lot of it. It is okay, come fall and I will be rocking and rolling at a stellar pace!! No worries!!
Blog on friends!!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Food Log 7/22/05

Workout: Light weights with Richard (upper body only)
Go Lean Crunch
Soy milk
Ritz Crisps-26
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
PB and J Sandwich
small Bag of Doritos
can of Pears
Grilled chicken sandwich
regular fries
Diet Cherry Vanilla Coke

Running Totals:

Susan, be sure you are really hydrating today and maybe eat a banana to avoid muscle cramping!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


A few words on Breakfast. Just as your car works better when it has gas in its tank, your body works better when you give adequate morning fuel. Yet many people push their bodies through a busy day with an empty gas tank. The result is low energy, cravings for sweet foods (Becky, maybe your Red Coke every afternoon), high intake of cookies and treats, and often undesired weight gain. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many of you give me wonderful and all too common excuses for not eating breakfast that include: I don't have time, I am not hungry in the morning, I don't like breakfast foods, Breakfast makes my stomach hurt, I am on a diet and it is the only meal I can easily skip, and the best one; If I eat breakfast I am hungier all day.
Excuses, Excuses!! If you skip breakfast, you are likely to concentrate less effectively in the late morning, work or study less efficiently, fell irritable and short tempered, or fall short of energy for your afternoon workout. These inefficiencies can all cause stress at work or at home, which often times lead to "stress eating." For every excuse to skip breakfast, I have a perfectly logical reason for eating it!!
Think outside of the cereal bowl. If you are not a breakfast eater and enjoy "breakfast foods" then go ahead and enjoy. You will have all day to "burn" those calories off. If you don't enjoy breakfast types of food then get creative. My husband is a non traditional breakfast eater. He will many times eat what ever is left over from last nights dinner for breakfast. For instance, he ate broiled chicken and mashed potatoes for breakfast just this morning. Who says there are rules for what you can and cannot eat as a morning meal? The important thing is that you eat something every morning. We live in a society of convenience, so take advantage, but choose wisely. Breakfast is not an opportunity to go crazy, but an opportunity to fuel up for the day. If you choose not to eat breakfast, you may be setting yourself up for a very difficult weight loss journey! Bon Appetit!!

Food Log 7/21/05

Muscle Fuel
Strawberry Banana Super Protein Smoothie
Jamaican Banana Bread
Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich
Veggie Chips
Diced Peaches
4 oz Chicken breast broiled
1 corn on the cob
Running Totals:

Workout this morning: 30 minutes eliptical and upper body weights. 375 calories burned.
This evening was a very social 4.3 miles on the treadmill. It was slow but good. Susan and I just talked and talked like we hadn't seen each other in ages. It's funny how a conversation with a great friend can make time pass so quickly!! 530 calories burned!! I don't think I ate enough today.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Food Log 7/20/05

Go Lean Crunch with Raisins and Soy Milk
Fresh Lemonade
Spinach salad with 3 oz skinless boneless chicken
1 TBSP Fat free ranch
2TBSP crutons
Happy meal with Nuggets and fries
Running Totals:

Workout this morning was wonderful only 6 x 400!! Piece o' cake!! Yippee! I finished all under 2 minutes. Back is still sore. Feet felt great. There is nothing like a lactic acid flush at 5am!!
375 calories burned!!

No double day, today!! Talked too long after work. I will do it tomorrow!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Food and Workout log 7/19/05

Muscle Fuel
2 Waffles
1/4 cup Light Syrup
1 cup Fresh Lemonade
McAlisters Turkey Club Sandwich
Bag of Lays
Sweet Tea
KFC Drumstick
Mashed potatoes
Mini Apple Pie

Running Totals:
Calories: 2085
I ate way too much today!! It is a good thing we are doing sprints in the morning!! Burn those calories!! Heehee!

30 Star Track Eliptical: 275 calories burned
20 minutes or so of light upper body weights: 57 calories burned
Lower back is still very sore and tender. It felt a little better after the workout. I need more stretching and a hot bath!!

Susan, I will try to help you remember your camara on Saturday!!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Food Log 7/18/05

1/2 cup Egg Beaters
2/3 cup Southern Hash Browns
1/2 cup broccoli
1 cup Fresh Lemonade
Tuna Sandwich
Veggie Chips
Applesauce cup
Jamaican Banana Bread
Snack 2:
Carb right Sugar Free Bar (I did not have time to eat dinner and needed something before running!!)
Chick fil A Chick n Strip Salad
**I ate very late (around 9pm) so I am sure this was still in my stomach this morning!
Susan and I ran Bridlewood today. I felt very strong. I am definitely a night time runner!! We finished strong and I felt great after.
362 calories burned!!
Running Totals:
Weight 165.5

More recipes

These meals will appear in my food logs this week, just thought I would share. I have never tried these before so you will have to give me feed back on them!
BBQ Hobo Supper
1 lb ground round (I will use ground turkey, we are beef free)
1/2 cup BBQ sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
4 small red potatoes, cut in half
1 medium onion, cut into 8 wedges
1 large red or green bell pepper, cut into 8 wedges
1/2 lb baby carrots

1) Prepare grill.
2) Tear off 4 pieces of foil (heavy duty foil)
3) Combine ground round or turkey and 1/4 cup BBQ sauce
and shape into 4 patties.
4) Place 1 patty in center of each foil sheet; brush patties with sauce
and sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper. Divide carrots and other veggies among all foil sheets.
5) Bring up 2 sides of each foil sheet and double fold each end to form a packet, leaving room for heat circulation insied packet.
6) Place packets on grill rack. Cover and grill for 12 to 15 minutes on each side or until beef is no longer pink and the veggies are tender.

Yeild: 4 servings
Cal. 400
Carbs: 48.9
Points: 8

Texas Shepherd's Pie
1 1/2 lbs baking potato, peeled and cut into 1/4 inch thick slices
1/2 cup low fat buttermilk
1/2 tsp salt, divided
1/2 tsp pepper, divided
1 lb ground round (I will use turkey again)
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/3 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup shredded carrot
1/2 tsp fennel seeds, crushed
1 tsp minced garlic
1 1/2 cups Salsa
Cooking spray
1/2 cup shredded cheese ( I will only put cheese on half, for Kevin)

1) Preheat oven to 375
2) Place potatoes in pan to boil and cook, cook for 10 minutes or until tender, drain, return to pan. Add buttermilk, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper, beat until smooth. Set aside for later.
3) Cook meat in a skillet until browned. Drain and return meat to skillet. Add 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper, onion, celery, carrot and fennel seeds and garlic. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes or until veggies are crisp-tender, stirring frequently. Add salsa; reduce heat to medium low and simmer 10 minutes. Spoon into an 8 inch square baking dish coated with cooking spray and cover with potato mixture. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake, uncovered at 375 for 20 minutes or until thoroughly heated.
Yeild: 4 servings
Cal: 434
Prot: 36

Good Morning!

Good morning all!! After our run yesterday, I am really sore. Mostly my back and calves. We did climb some hills though. I can't wait to take on our next challenge, Too Hot to handle 15K next weekend!! It will be incredibly hot, but I plan to do well!! My goal is to finish in under an 11 minute mile and finish top 3 in my weight category. I know I can do it!! I will do it!! Susan thinks I am almost cheating registering for the weight category instead of age category, but I think it is just good strategy. I have finished fourth in the last 2 races in my weight category, this time I see 3rd!!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Training Log

Today was very comical at best. We were scheduled to run 15 miles. Richard, Susan and I started our trek at 5AM. We were all slow to run, so we walked the first 2 miles. We have not done that in forever!! Susan is telling us about this dream she had about a psychic last night. The psychic told her that she would not have a good run. We all laughed it off. Just before we start running, we all are "gearing up" and getting our MP3 players ready. All of the sudden, Susan's shouts out. Her IPOD was not working. She kept saying that it was a "tragedy" that her IPOD broke, and that she could not run without it. Luckily we were only two miles from Susan's house. She decided to leave Richard and I to go get Micheal's IPOD (her husband's). Richard and I take off. Susan calls us at mile 5. That was the last we heard of her, for a while. We, Richard and I, run the first like 5 or 6 miles, then begin walking. I was having a tough time, so we decided to continue walking. We walked for a few miles. At around mile 8 or so we decided to run again. We ran up this huge hill near Wellington. We made it through Wellington, but as we entered Bridlewood, I had to stop. It was getting hot and I am worn out at this time. I had to stop. Richard went on so that he could get to church on time. As I am sitting there I get really dizzy, so I lay down. We are in the middle of a training run and I am lying down. Haha. When I feel better, I get up. I think to myself, the only way to the prize, is through the discomfort. I start walking and running a little, but mostly walking. I happed to look behind me and low and behold it is Susan. She is totally moving. Good for her. I stopped to let her catch up. She looked worn out. Turns out she did not run the route we scheduled, she was going to go backward to catch us. Well she missed the turned and passed us. Anyway we met up near the end. Thank goodness that is over with!!

14.5 miles
3 hrs 10 minutes
2133 calories burned
pace for the whole thing: 13:06

Food Log 7/17/05

Small Peanut Butter Sandwich
4 Snackwells sugarfree Shortbread cookies
Small Tuna Salad Sandwich
21 Veggie Chips
AppleSauce cup
Sugar free Jello
Ecco Bella Chocolate for health
Elbow noodles
Spaghetti sauce with 99%Fat free Turkey meat

Running Totals:

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Not that I have already attained, or am already prefect, but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Jesus has also laid before me. I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forget those things which are behind me and reach forward to those things ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:12-14

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one person will receive the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it (the prize). Therefore I run, not with uncertainty. Thus I fight, not as one who beats the air. I will discipline my body and bring it into subjection...
1 Corinthians 9:24-27

I have to remember that even though I may have been having a couple of months worth of bad, uncomfortable, miserable, and painful training runs, I am running a path that God has set before me. I will press on and run with certainty that this is where I am supposed to be. I will let go of the bad runs and look forward to chasing the prize. God has given me the tools necessary to complete the race with success. I need to remember that when I am beating myself up as I run. I can do it. I will do it. I will press on!!

Blog on friends!!

Food Log 7/16/05

1 99% Fat Free Waffle
1/4 cup Lite Syrup
1 cup Fresh pineapple
1 cup Fresh lemonade
Turkey Sloppy Joe's (1 sandwich)
1 Serving Ore-Ida Fast Food Oven Fries
1/4 cup Sunflower Seeds
Ecco Bella Chocolate for Health
Large Tuna Sandwich
Ruffles Original Chips
Running Totals:
Fat:93.5 (holy smokes! Those chips and oven fries)
Carbs: 251.8

Food Log 7/15/05

Okay, so I ran out of time to blog yesterday!! Lucky for me I did keep tabs in my excel file, so I can just add it now!! Yipee!!
Soy milk
Go Lean Crunch Cereal
Soy nuts
Honey Grahams (100 calorie pack)
Egg Salad Sandwich
2 servings Ruffles Potato Chips--Original
Sonic Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Regular Fries
Dt. Cherry Vanilla Coke
15 Hershey kisses

Fat: 64.9

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Food Log 7/14/05

Muscle Fuel
Breakfast: (this is a weird combo for morning, but it works)
3 oz Salmon
2/3 cup Southern hash Browns cooked with Pam
1/2 cup Apple, Lemon and Ginger Juice
Chick fil A Chick n Strip Salad
Diet Lemonade
BBQ Chicken Hash
York Peppermint Patties (mini's)

Running Totals:
Weight: 165.5
Calories: 1973

Workout Log

Good morning all!! I am really enjoying this blogging thing!! Thank you Susan for introducing it to me!! I love it!! Workout this morning was good. We used the Star track elipticals in the Y. My feet did wonderfully, no numbness!! Yipee!! We did weights this morning as well. We focused more on upper body, due to a little soreness from yesterday's sprinting. I know we are strong and will be successful in Chicago. For all those who don't know, we will be running the Chicago Marathon in October. Yes, ALL 26.2 miles!! We are truely warriors!! I will leave you all with an inspirational quote I recently found. I hope you all will find this relavent and motivational.

"...One of the lessons I have learned (from sport) is that you've got to face your fear. You can't avoid it. You can't turn your back on it. You can't ignore it. You can't pretend that it is not there and you can't run from it. ... It's scary. But you face that fear, you get through it, and then you overcome it. You learn that you have to take the risks in order to receive the rewards."
Kimiko Hirai Soldati
Blog on friends!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Food Log 7/13/05

Emergen "C"
Quaker Oatmeal paket (cinnamon roll)
1 box organic raisins
1/2 cup Apple Lemon, Ginger Juice
Egg Salad Sandwich
2 carrot sticks
100 calorie pack Honey Grahams
2 celery sticks
1 TBSP All natural Peanut butter
Mozarella Sticks (Dairy, Geez)
Dt. Cherry Vanilla Coke
Chick n strips Salad
Dt. Lemonade

Running total:
Weight: 166
Calories: 1916
Protein: 81

Running Log

14 x 400's
Goal pace: 2:00-2:10
Averaged about 2:00-2:07
I had trouble finishing today. I ended up walking the last 2. I felt very weak, lungs were heavy, and legs felt uncoordinated. Foot is a little sore, but not more than usual. I am angry and frustrated that I could not finish. Of course, now that I have rested I feel that I could of and should of finished the last 2 running. Who knows if I could have completed them. Was it the heat? (78 degrees at 5:30am is rediculous!!) I need to press on. Tomorrow will be a better day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Workout Log

Precore EFX 544
1 hour 10 minutes
759 calories burned

Legs wobbly, feet numb. Other than that it felt great!!

Food Log 7/12/05

1 cup soy milk
1 cup Kashi Go Lean Crunch
1 Frozen Banana
1/2 cup Apple, Lemon, Ginger Juice
Dickies 2 meat plate meal
Pork sausage
Pulled Pork
Waffle Fries
Apple Cobbler
**Boy I really blew it at lunch today!! Dinner will be very light.
1/4 cup lite syrup

Running Totals:
Weight: 167.5

Monday, July 11, 2005


These meals will appear in my Food Logs this week. I thought while I had a moment, I would post them for anyone who may want to add them tor their favorites.

Turkey Sloppy Joes:
Cooking Spray
1/2lb. Ground turkey
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 (8oz) can Tomato Sauce
3/4 cup water
2 TBSP toasted wheat germ
2 TBSP tomato paste
2 tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground cumin
6 (1.4oz) reduced calorie wheat sandwich buns
1/2 cup (2 oz.) shredded reduced fat sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup shredded lettuce

1) Place a skillet over medium heat until hot; coat with cooking spray.
Add turkey, celery, and onion; cook 5 minutes or until turkey is browned, stirring to crumble.
Stir in tomato sauce and then next 7 ingredients; bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat, simmer 10 minutes; stirring occasionally.
2) Divide turkey mixture evenly among bottom halves of buns; arrange cheese and lettuce over turkey mixture. Cover with top halves of buns.

Yeild: 6 servings (serving size 1 sandwich)
Points (for all of you counting)=3
Calories: 161, Fat: 5.1; Carbs: 26.4; Prot: 11.5; Fiber:5.6

BBQ Chicken Hash

1 1/2 TBSP olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
1/2 chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped carrot
1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
4 cups ready to eat roasted skinless, boneless, chicken breasts
3 1/2 cups of frozen shredded hash browns
3/4 cups water
1/2 cup BBQ sauce
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp bottled minced garlic
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup shredded reduced fat cheese
1 jalepeno pepper; seeded and minced

1)Preheat oven to 375
2)Heat oil in a large cast-iron or oven proof heavy skillet over high heat. Add onion, celery, bell pepper, and carrot; saute 1 1/2 minutes. Add chicken and next 7 ingredients; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 2 minutes; stirring occasionally.
3) Bake at 375 for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and jalepeno, bake an additional 5 minutes or until cheese melts.
Yeild: 6 servings (serving size 1 cup)
Points: 6
Calories: 279; Fat: 9.3; Carb: 23.9; prot. 25.1; Fiber:1.9

Food Log 7/11/2005

Workout: Weights with Richard (250calories?)
1/4 cup Egg Beaters
1 cup grapes
1 slice Zucchini Pineapple Bread
1/2 cup Apple, Lemon, Ginger Juice
3 cups of lettuce
2oz grilled chicken
whole wheat dinner roll
Ginger Snaps (6 cookies)
3 oz. Broiled Salmon
1 cup steamed broccoli
1 ear of corn on the cob

Workout 2: Easy running 30 minutes (3 miles) 383cals

Running total:
Weight: 168.5

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Running Log

Today Susan and I made the trek to Ft. Worth to run 13 miles. We were so adventureous in thinking we needed to run in the heat to prepare to a race coming up on July 23rd. That must have been one of the most rediculous ideas we have had in a while. We made it 10 miles and then stopped. Well actually, we made it about 6 before we turned our over eager bodies back around to walk back to the car. What were we thinking? Sounded like a great idea when we were planning it. Haha. I was so hot. I had a tough time breathing in full breaths. My legs were uncoordinated and clumbsy. I was very frustrated. I still am. I am fully focused on getting fitter and faster. It is very difficult. As you can see by my caloric intake!! Yikes!! The good news is that we walked 4 miles out of the 10, and still managed to keep an eleven minute mile!! The heat stinks, we always run really well in Ft. Worth and probably would have again but the heat just killed us!! I burned 773 calories running and 515 calories walking (1288calories total). Better running coming soon, I just know it!! We are making slow steady progress. I will remain committed and positive. Also, slimmer body COMING SOON!! Haha!!

Food Log 7/10

1/2 Luna Bar
Breakfast Burrito--Sonic
Diet Cherry Vanilla Coke
1 scoop Endurox
1/4 cup Grapes
1 orange slice
2 oz chicken breast Grilled
1 Blueberry Muffin Top
Dinner: (Taste of Dallas--these are incredibly rough guesstamates!!)
Corn Dog
1/2 Funnel Cake (this has to be a major weakness-- I can never say no)
1 Uncrustable-Grape

Running Total:
Calories: 1895.5

Training Log

Today I taught Power Pump. I used very light weights. It was okay. I am a little sore from Thursdays workout. I hope I won't be too tired for Sunday's run.

Food Log 7/9/05

1 cup soy milk (Light)
1 cup Berry Blast Cherrios
Snack 1:
Small Granny Smith Apple
Snack 2:
1 Box Raisins
1/2 Egg Salad Sandwich
19 Veggie Chips
Party Food: (Volleyball party)
Pork sausage
1 whole wheat dinner roll
Small Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad
Garlic Bread
Slice of Carrot Cake

Running Totals:

Friday, July 08, 2005

Food Log 7/8/05

1 scoop Spark
2 Fat Free Waffles
1/4 Butter Lite Syrup
1 TBSP Country Crock light
1 Cup fresh strawberries
1/2 cup Fresh Apple, Lemon, Ginger Juice
Large Banana
1/2 Egg Salad Sandwich
1/4 baby Spinach
21 Veggie Chips
3/4 cup grapes
5 Lychees
Ginger Snaps (6)
Full order of Bean and Cheese Nachos (I know, I blew the "no dairy" policy)
Diet Pepsi
Running Totals:
Calories: 2256
Fat: 97.6
Carbs: 342.7
Protein: 69

Running Log

It was absolutely gorgeous this morning. A little bit humid but actually cool (72 degrees). Susan and I met at 5am, more like 5:15am, and ran our usual loop. We did add a mile though. In all, we ran 4 miles. I felt so good that after I dropped Susan back off at her house, I went back for more. (Sorry Susan, I just felt really great!!). I totalled 6.5 miles for today. I figure that is probably more than enough. This weather makes me want fall to get here sooner!! Anyway, can't wait for all of my runs to feel this good again. I was beginning to question my goals, but now I just know it is the heat. I will stay committed and stick to it. Chicago is not that far away.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Food Log 7/7/05

Spark 1 packet
Muscle Fuel
2 Egg Beaters
1 slice Iron Kids bread with Cinnabutter and Splenda
1/2 cup Lychees
1/2 cup Apple, Lemon, Ginger Juice (fresh)
1/2 Egg Salad Sandwich
21 Veggie Chips
1/2 cup fresh strawberries
1/2 cup fresh diced pineapple
1 can Dt. Hansen's Creamy Root Beer
1/4 cup Peanut M and M's
2 cups Baby Spinach
1 carrot stick diced
2 TBSP Creamy Italian Dressing
2 TBSP Crutons
1 Tsp Parmesan Cheese
6 Ginger Snaps
Running Total:
Calories: 1496
Fat: 55.20