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Saturday, August 14, 2010


"Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, I just don't care?"

I have. I hate Ross!! It scares the shit out of me!! No one knows anything about it, including the most brilliant docs in Dallas!! I feel like I never know what kind of body I will wake up with each day. Which one will it be? Will I float in the air on stubs and feel weak and beaten down or will I get the be the Rockstar I know I am? I look fear in the face everyday!! This week I have taught 10 classes this week with every format under the sun from Water to Yoga to Cycle to Zumba. Monday was the most disasterous when I was teaching Aqua Zumba for a friend. My feet were gone right from the get go. I have very little recolection of the class, meaning I know what my playlist was because I just took my Wednesday music and modified the moves, but as far as smiling, connecting, having a great time??? Who knows??? I hear it was a great class!! I just wish I could have remembered it!!!

I know, I know...not certified yet, but what does a Fitness Director do with 40 people expecting to dance underwater?? Wait, did that just sound weird, well guess is, but people are coming like drones because they are addicted to it!! Can you imagine a lady or man who weighs more than 400 pounds saying "F you fear, I am going to shake it like nothing else underwater and I don't care who is watching" and then actually doing it? It is crazy inspirational!! I have people tell me everytime I teach that I have such positive light and spirit that I am motivational and inspirational but the truth is, I am no different than you guys!! I gather as much strength as I can every morning no matter what my body is telling me and I come to work and get inspiration and motivation from the members in my classes!! Fear has no place in my life or yours.

I decide everyday that I will live a healthy and active life because someday when Ross actually does destroy my body I can look back and know that I have lived an extremely blessed life!! And if Ross just leaves me alone with the limitations (I hate actually admitting that I have any after the endurance training I have put in over the years) I currently have, well then I know I will continue to get to do what I absolutely love to do!!!

Decide to face fear today and take steps to live a healthier life......and.....

Dance like you mean it!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

History is so fun to look at!!

A really really long time ago my best friends name was Melissa Donaldson. I can't remember how we met, but I remember her being my fave person to hang out with. Our families hung out a lot too, which meant our parents were good friends and we got to hang with each other even more! Our families camped, participated in girl scouts together, and traveled together. I remember feeling completely crushed when her family moved back to Cali.

I recently discovered the magic of facebook. She reached out to me and I gotta be honest it kinda freaked me out! I mean, I look different and I am married now so my name is different. So I was skeptical when she started asking me questions about how my life is. I politely asked if she ever lived in Oklahoma. She was a little shocked that it seemed as though I did not remember her. I did, but was kinda weirded out by the fact that she actually found me. I don't have anything public about where I am from or my maiden name listed anywhere. anyway she asked if she could post some pics from way back and I thought okay...if this is really her she is going to post some potentially embarrasing photos but it would show me if it was really her. Look it was!!
These are absolutely histerical!! Look at my glasses!! What is she doing???? I have no recolection of this photo but it presents the opportunity to get a really good chuckle in!!
On to Zumba, for the 2nd time today!!
~Dance like you mean it~

Monday, August 09, 2010

It's a cold world out there...

So I have now worked at a YMCA exclusively for the last 7 years. I started in the Dallas Association as a personal trainer and occasional group ex instructor. I have been in my current position for the last 3 and 1/2 years. I am the Health and Wellness Director. Until recently I only taught classes at my YMCA's. I have since added a couple of classes here and there. I recently became aware of just how special the YMCA is, and I think you will agree after I tell you this story.

I was interested in suplementing my income with an extra class here and there, like I mentioned. Well, good news travels fast and some folks in a not so far away suburb of Fort Worth called to see if I would be interested in teaching Zumba at their gym. They don't currently have Zumba so they were anxious to get it going. I drug my feet a little then thought, why not? So I responded to the email and phone call. Not so long after that I got a call from this individual letting me know she would be in my class that night and that she would be bringing a few friends by. I was actually pretty excited.

Earlier that day I had been to the Zoo with the little man and Day Camp. If you know anything about Ross Syndrome and it's symptoms you know that high temperatures will take you down faster than you can say, "Holy cow, it is really hot". Well, it was hot. I tried to rest up before class so I could present a great playlist with fun moves. About a third of the way through class, my feet were gone. It was like my upper body was floating in air and moving to music and mentally I was really foggy. I quickly responded and switched up my playlist so that I could sit for a couple of minutes while the music inspired a participant lead dance off. It was great!! Once I felt my feet again, I stood up and began to lead the class again.

The guests finished class and giggled and wiggled through an hour of cardio. They came up to me after class and introduced themselves. I was warm and friendly, but boy oh boy, I had no idea I was being criticized and judged by them the entire time.

The next day I touched base with the coordinator from the other facility and we talked about how they would implement Zumba and where I fit into the picture. She assured me that she could make me a better instructor. Ha, I thought. I, admittedly am not the best instructor, but I am pretty freakin' good. So, I began to get the feeling that this was not going to work but I continued to keep an open mind. She informed me that they have a strict uniform policy that would allow members to immediately recognize me and associate me with the Zumba format. We, all of the other Zumba, instructors would play the same songs and do the same choreo in the same order. I became more and more uncomfortable with this idea. I pondered it and questioned whether or not this would work for me. I ultimately decided that it was not going to work. I sent the coordinator an email letting her know that it was not going to be a good fit for me and listed out reasons why.

Her response was appalling!! She let me know that my moves were too repetitive, and that her gym would pull from a "broad version of the choreo Zumba sends us". She said that any sort of sitting during a class is taboo and would not be tolerated at her gym. I don't disagree, but when you can't feel your feet would it have been better to stumble around like a drunk person??? I let her know that I have invested a significant amount of money in the Zumba line of clothing to promote and be recognizable to our members. Her response to that was that the hot pink pants I was wearing showed sweat on my bottom as though I wet my pants and "well, with all of that shaking and jiggling, I am sure that is not the presentation you are intending. That is why we require our instructors to wear black bottoms, it hides all of that yucky stuff". I read that in her response and I could feel the steam coming from my ears like some crazed cartoon character. How dare she? Have I been protected in the Y world for that long? People sweat lady, and sweat in different ways!! I would love to finish a class sopping wet~Ha... ON BOTH SIDES OF MY BODY AND IN EQUAL AMOUNTS!! Perhaps if I did, she would not have been so worried about the fact that I have butt sweat!!! Get a life lady....and don't be so judgemental. You never know when and how your life will change as you age and various parts of your body begin to fail you. I embrace the fact that I am not tinney tiny. I am real. I am curvey. AND I ONLY SWEAT ON ONE SIDE OF MY BODY!! Deal with it or walk away, I don't have anyone to impress, even if I am wearing hot pink pants with a coordinating shirt and shoes, and headband. Mediocre instructors don't pack classes!!

Dance like you mean it folks, and don't worry about what others think of you!! Life is too short for nonsense like that!!

Thursday, August 05, 2010


We are scheduled to host our 2nd Zumbathon at the Benbrook Community Center/YMCA on Friday, August 20th from 6-9pm. All proceeds go to step up for kids, the YMCA's scholarship program for families who cannot afford the cost of a program or fee at the YMCA. Get your tickets today to take advantage of the earlybird price!
~Dance like you mean it!!

Long Time No Chat

I have decided to maybe get back to blogging!! I need to keep track of a few things here and there!! So I miss my online journal. I have been facebooking though!! I will start posting events and happenings here and there, so if you find me...stick with me and I will keep you in the loop!!