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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I love hills!!

Yesterday I ran 5 of the hardest miles ever!! It was a running day so I hit a stopping point for the day at work and just took off. I was planning on running at least 6 possibly 7. I settled for 5. It is basically all up hill. Okay, so there were some down hills, but mostly ups!! Yikes!! It is a route that my friend Superman and I have contemplating. He has since broken his foot in Boot camp. Hopefully he will be ready to run soon!! I do so much better with a partner. Hotty Hubby has decided that running just looks to painful to participate. Bummer. Here's the coolest thing about this sitter's house is at the top of the hill!! I can run to visit my J man. They were loading up to go swim practice and he was not happy, so I just turned around and began my trek downhill and back to the Y. It was sooooooo hard. My friend and sitter came in to the Y and announced to everyone that I was running back from her house. The hills are that big!! They all were cheering for me when I can staggering back in the front doors!! Superman was thoroughly disappointed that I had gone without him. I told him I would do it again. Hotty Hubby now thinks I can climb Mt. Michelle on my bike pulling the J man. I think he has lost his mind.

I started to get a little frustrated that I was so slow, but before I could finish the thought, I put it away. I am slow and I need to deal with that. It is getting to be summer time and I only sweat on one side of my body. I need to deal with that. I would like to just put that out of my mind and be happy that I ran 2.5 miles UP HILL!! I did something that most people are not even willing to think about trying. I am proud of that. I see the beauty in that. I am strong and powerful!! I am capable of running tough terrain in the heat and humidity, so I am going to deal with the rest of the stuff that just seems to get in the way. Worrying and getting angry at the fact that I can't sweat on one side is not going to make sweat magically appear.

So here is my plan...go on with life as planned, but just at a slower pace. I can work with that, because I know that when it cools off in late October, I will be in better shape than if I were to give up running all together. I will keep putting on my shoes and lube up just like I do during the winter. I will just have to go earlier and slower to beat the heat. I can have a longer look at the beauty that surounds me. Besides, Superman will not wait for me all summer and if I want to conquer some longer distances this fall, I can't afford to not run. So I will run now in preparation for what is to come. I will run to conquer what I believe to be a real physical limitation. I will move on. I will let it go, and get on with my journey. The finish line is always sweeter when you have to work really hard to get there.

Blog on friends!!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Hot, Hot, Hot

It is hot outside today!! There is no way around it. Just plain hot. I have a little bit of a renewed spirit today, because yesterday I found out that my mycoplasma is now dormant. Meaning, it is no longer attacking my body!! It was wonderful news!! I had the blood work to confirm it. I am still left with the heat intolerance, but not as bad. I don't have those stroke like symptoms anymore, but I get hot and miserable. That is not any different that any other human testing their limits in the heat.

Did anyone watch the Michael J. Fox thing last night? One word: Amazing. I thought I was an optimist!! He is an incredible human being! More to come on that. I would like to spend more time writing about this!

I rode 30 miles this morning. It was hot and sweaty!! I rode the first 15 in an hour, that was really good for me!! The last 15 however took me almost 2 hours!! I had to stop and keep pouring water on my right side. The tough part was that not all of the water fountains are functional along the Trinity Trail path. Most of the dog water fountains were up and running, and near the end of the ride, that was okay with me. I wasn't drinking the water and I was planning on showering the moment I walked in the door anyway!!

I decided that I will participate in an indoor volleyball league this summer. I don't know how it will go, but it is worth it just to keep working out!! I plan to still ride and run, and definitely swim, but as early as possible. I am also not going to focus on speed. Just distance. Everyday that I get to go out is a blessing. I could have been told that I was losing circulation and was going to lose my legs, but I wasn't. I was told that I have heat intolerance. Big deal!! I will learn to continue to work with it!!

I have to go for now!! Blog on friends!!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Slow running days are here again!!

The humidity is relentless around here. I was getting prepared for the heat, but totally forgot about the humidity!! That will wipe me out faster than the heat I think. I am struggling a bit with deciding what direction to go in now that I have found out about the permanent damage to my body. Those damn parasites!! The mycoplasma has done permanent damage. I will not ever be able to workout in the heat again. That leaves me sort of lost. I have always been an edurance junkie and I love to run and ride outside and what a perfect time to go, except the whole sweating thing. Poor pitiful me...blah blah blah....

Moving on. I did try to run today. I was a little late, but I did it. I ran 2 miles in 28:40, and walked the last 2 because I was burning up. I finished walking and completed my low effort workout in 1:15:30. I did stop to give Nikko and myself a big drink of water. I am just not sure what to do. Run anyway and give up on getting anything productive done during the warmer months? Run on the dreadmill? Transform into the ultimate group ex junkie? Advice? Hotty hubby thinks we ought to design some sort of jersey/shirt that has freezer pack pockets in it, so I can run with ice bags...he has lost his mind. I will just keep plodding along, literally!!

Run on friends!!