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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Running Log

Gimmee a B, Gimmee an O, Gimmee a N, Gimmee a K...What does that spell? BONK!! I am going to put the most positive spin on the joke of a training run we had this morning!! Bonk means in a scientific sense that I had depleted my glycogen stores completely. I stopped burning stored fat and began burning muscle. In 2 words, NOT GOOD!! The run started out okay. We were faced with lightening and fierce humidity. We were not sure if we were going to make it through the run with out rain or not. We decided to press on anyway. Since the two of us (Susan and I) had taken some time off, we thought it would be smarter to start with a shorter run 13 instead of 19miles. We walked the first 2, then began running. I knew that it would be tough today, but I did not know how tough. We pressed on. It was very hard from the very beginning. I stopped about 3 miles from home and sat down to rest. Realizing that I have bonked, I am frustrated!! I did not eat enough yesterday, drink enough today, and sleep enough last night. All of this adds up to a disaster of a run!! I am discouraged, but not completely defeated. Although my ego is without a doubt taking a beating. I know I can run 26.2 miles right now, but I know I could not do it in the time I want. I called Kevin looking for encouragement on my 3 mile walk home. He gently reminded my that I am a good runner, and that I should press on. I will heed his advice, because I agree. With time, tremendous effort and a little grace from God, I will achieve everything I am striving for. I will remain positive and realize that I am blessed with the ability to run and will do so with an attitude of gratitude.

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