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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Food and Workout Log

Has anyone ever gotten out of bed and completely dressed to go for a run and stopped dead in your tracks only find yourself back in bed and the run not completed? That is what happened to me this morning. I was going to go the Plano and do track work. I got up around 5, got dressed and sat down on the couch to put my shoes on when I realized that I did not want to go running this morning. So I didn't. I went back to bed. Around 6:30 my husband woke me up and asked, "So what's your problem? No running this morning? It says on your planner 7 x 800m, so what's up?" I just looked at him. I was still completely dressed, except shoes, tights and all. I said that I was tired and didn't feel like doing track work today. He just chuckled and said, "That won't make you any faster." I rolled my eyes back at him and said "Okay, okay I am getting up". I went to the local HS to go run my 7 x 800's, but there was one was locked and I could not get in. I am thinking, it was meant to be. I should rest. Hahaha. As I am thinking this my cell beeps at me letting me know that I have a message. It was my friend Richard. He had a message from Susan that she was not coming this morning and he wanted to hitch a ride to Plano. Now my guilt is setting in. If I had only heard this when I was contemplating the track work at 5. I totally would have gone. So I called him back and found out that he had already done his work. So I set off to run a 5 mile tempo since I could not get into the track. I wasted too much time to run the 5 by the time I had gotten to the place I usually run. I thought great, pressure I can run better under pressure. I take off. I check my watch at 2 miles, 16 something. Holy smokes that is quick. I conquered this hill that consistently takes me down. I followed some advice a friend of mine gave me. I ran up the hill, knees high, trunk upright and over the crest and down the other side. I slowed down to turtle pace and then to a walk after I had gone over the hill. I was thinking to myself, stupid, stupid, stupid. I am tired. So I walked up the hill and back down it on my way home. I completed 3 miles in 29 something and then decided to walk the rest of the way home. Not really discouraged, I carried myself back to the car in 44 something to complete 4 miles. Hahaha. I should have listened to my body. I am tired. I had a massage this morning and my right arm is so out of whack that Richard spent almost an entire hour working on it alone. How sad!! I am glad that my running for the day is over. I need some rest. Tomorrow is upper body bootcamp and possible tempo run again. I like doing the tempos, it makes me feel like all of the track work is working. I just can't neglect the track work all together, it has made a huge difference so far. Friday is a group run, I hope. I am going to try to meet the group to run 5 miles. Saturday is rest day. Sunday is the half. I think Richard and I are going to try to do it together. Our pace goal is 10-10:30minute miles. That is very doable. I have to rest and eat right for all to be well!! I am going to pick up my packet tomorrow and start really getting down to eating and resting. I will hopefully be meeting with a nutritionist on Monday to learn!! Yay, I love learning!! Heehee!!
Workout: Spark
Breakfast: a shameful Biscuit Egg, Bacon, and Cheese, and a Hashbrown from McDonald's (shameful, shameful, shameful--oh well)
Lunch: Taco Soup and tortilla chips
Dinner: not sure

BTY: I had like 5 or 6 Reece's PB cups and 3 or 4 mini Almond Joys. I may have had more, I lost count. Accountability sucks!! Hahahaha!! Thanks, robtherunner for that!!

Blog on friends!!


Cliff said...

Your husband is such a great motivator. I wish I have a husband like that..err I mean a love one to kick my ass in the morning :)

Unknown said...

Way to fess up on the candy count. I ended up in about the same range yesterday, but hopefully my bad eating habits are not rubbing off on you. I was cheering when I read that you had McDonalds for breakfast.

E-Speed said...

mmmm taco soup!

if i had gone back to bed that would have been it, no run for the day period ;)

jeanne said...

You sound pretty darn fast to me! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment--it means a lot!
Halloween is evil incarnate.

Unknown said...

Ok, who didn't eat tons of candy on Halloween!?!? I felt like all I did all day was eat M & M's & Rolo's....

I can't believe you actually got back up & went out there! I'm with Elizabeth. I would have been back in bed with no running story to tell.