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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Feeling Guilty!!

So I have not run in like 3 or 4 days, eaten too much fudge and am unmotivated to do anything including blogging!! I feel lazy and lethargic!! I get this way about this time of year when everything gets too overwhelming to acknowlege. I choose to sleep through it instead of getting anything done. Flylady, running, general working out, nothing is getting done!! Thank you Susan for whipping me back into shape!!
I am unsure about 50 next week!! I do need to up my mileage soon though!!I think this might be more realistic for me:
Monday: Weights with Richard and 3-5 miles
Tuesday: Buttcamp (I am testing that afternoon, extra running is out!!)
Wednesday: I need to get back to track workouts (this is what made me soooo fast!!) 6 x 800's
Thursday: Bootcamp (I am testing again this afternoon, extra running is out!!)
Friday: 5-7 miles
Saturday: light mileage 3-5
Sunday: 15 with you guys!!
Total: 30-35miles

Food today:
Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 egg white, 3 pieces of bacon, 1 apple, Creamy maple pumpkin fruit dip
Lunch: Creamy Tomato Soup (homemade--not even a little bit healthy, I stole the recipe from La Madeline)
Snack: Fudge
Dinner: 2 corn dogs cooked in the oven
Snack: Protein Shake

When I am running, my food intake is stellar. When I am not running I think I just eat everything in sight!! I have had so much fudge today that I have the sugar jitters!! Yikes!! Not good!! I will get back on the wagon soon!! My weight can't handle this much junk!!

Blog on friends!!


E-Speed said...

I get like this in winter too. I need a jump start quick!

Anonymous said...

Be patient with the mileage, and with the fudge. Sounds like you have a busy week planned.

Cliff said...

I haven't run for a while too. This week i haven't run. Need to go for a jog tonight.

Hmm fudge is good. There is so much fudge in the office it is so tempting..the only thing that is holding me back are those nutritional values table. I see the spike % in the saturate fat column, i put the chocolate down....

I did on Wed chug down a chocolate was 100 g. Hmm tasted good :)

BuckeyeRunner said...

Hang in there Marathena! I, too, had a pretty lackluster week. We'll pick it up. Winter is always a tough time of year to stay motivated. Especially with all the yummy distractions!!