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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The perfect fall morning

I woke up this morning, much like the rest of you, to brisk cool weather. There was that old familiar gravitational pull just under the bed this morning. I love that!! When you know that it is cooler and you just want to stay snuggled up in the covers. That is precisely what I did this morning. Oops, I was supposed to lifeguard at 9, but thank goodness I have back ups!!! Nikko and I went for an early walk. We walked about 3 miles in just over 45 minutes. Not bad for a pregnant lady. Hahahaha!! But you all know me, when the temps hover around 60 degrees I am feeling invincible. We walked the Trinity Trail Path. I guess that is the official name for it these days. We just call it the trail. We watched the fog clear over the water and give way to some beautiful spider webs all over the place. What a great morning. I am still finding myself lacking the motivation to go to work.

Our last ultrasound showed that we have a healthy baby. It was last week. We actually went in for the "screenings" for things like Down's and Trisomy 18. So far, we are healthy. I am carrying the most active baby. I can't really feel it yet, but wow. The sono showed a jumping bean!! Hahaha!! He/She definitely doesn't like the sonos!! Eventually I will feel him/her just jumping away!! I keep saying that I am growing a volleyball player!! One could only hope!! Ha!! Well, I have officially wasted way too much time. I have got to go to work!!

Tri Report coming up!! Yes, I actually did a tri last weekend!! More to come!
Blog on friends!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

This week has really flown by!!

Where did the week go? I have been at a training all week. Well, actually just Monday through Wednesday. I spent yesterday playing catch up. Today I will put on my favorite hat. I will be personal training this morning. I am also training a couple of new staff. That is fun!! After that I do have to do some real work~administrative stuff. But the fact that I get to spend the morning doing my favorite job makes me smile. Oh, and it's Friday!!! That makes me smile too!!

So last night, hotty hubby and I were trying to pick out names for the little one. We don't know what the gender is, but we can still have fun. He was so cute. He actually got a little emotional thinking about being a dad. Tears were in his eyes. I was watching him with my hormonal eyes and just laughed at him. I started teasing him and called him daddy. Hahahaha. He got even more emotional. It was definitely a side of him I did not expect to see this soon!!! This is exciting!!

We are going to OK to tell my family this weekend. Really, tonight. I am really nervous. I am not sure why, but I am. I will have to fill you all in on how it goes later!!

Blog on friends!!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

It's funny how life throws you curve balls!!

Well, I have an announcement. Beck party of two is slowly becoming Beck party of 3!! We are pregnant. It has come as quite a shock for us, but we are happy for the new blessing!! Officially we are about 9 weeks along. Let me tell you, for what it is worth, so far it is not all it is cracked up to be. I am tired, fat, hungry and sick all at the same time. We have actually known for a while, but did not want to tell anyone until we had our first sonogram. It is really hard to tell that there is a baby growing inside of me, but it is. What an exciting time!!

This weekend hotty hubby and I rode in the Cowtown Classic Bike Rally in Crowley. We rode what we thought was 32. Turned out to be closer to 38! I averaged a slow and leisurely pace of about 12.7 mph. It was a great ride. It did not get tough until the last 6 or so. Not too hilly, not too flat, and great weather. I have to be very careful not to get too competitive with myself! The Doc says, I can do anything I want, just be mindful of my level of fatigue and the time spent exercising. I am not allowed to do anything over about 3 hours. Ha!! That is so funny. Marathoning over the next year or so is definitely not in my future!! I am still going to do the Women's Tri in October!! I am excited about that!

Work is still so stressful!! I am so short staffed and the employees that I have think they can only work when they want to. So I have people left and right not showing up for work!! I am so frustrated!! I am at a loss. I don't know where to find employees, ahem...responsible employees!! I have job listings posted all over FW, but to no avail!! I hope things will get better. I really miss training. I don't have to be responsible for anyone but me!! There may be something to that!! I will keep working on hotty hubby on that one!!

Blog on friends!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Off to St. Louis for a long weekend!

I have had no time to do anything but work and sleep. I am really short staffed. I lost a bunch of lifeguards and have spent more hours on the guard stand than in my office. It was a long and exhausting week. Hotty hubby and I are off to see my sis in St. Louis. I can't wait to get back and share some really great stories with you all!!

Blog on friends!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I love the weekends!!

This weekend hotty hubby and I have just slept and rested!! I think my friend PM thinks I might have fallen off the face of the earth! I need to give her a call. She wanted to ride last weekend, but I was at training all weekend!! It looks like I won't get to go to any rallies until after Labor Day. Not much running around here. I was so busy and consumed with my own thoughts and anxieties that I did not have the energy to get out the door. I did manage to get in a very slow 14 miles in on the bike yesterday and today I am off to the pool to get in some swimming.

By the way, the weather is amazing around here huh??? My fam in OK are all under water. Poor folks, they're stranded at the house with water all around. How did all of that rain miss us? I mean really, that is a lot of rain. We were watching some high water rescues and saw a person fall off of a helicopter. Ouch. I think she just fell about 20 feet or so and into water, but still....yikes!! My prayers go out to them all. I hope they are all okay.

Runner Susan, how is the moving going?? I hope you all are enjoying the nice weather!!

Gotta go swim!!
Blog on friends!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Busy Weekend!!

So far this weekend I feel as though I have been working out all day each day!! I have been attending SilverSneakers Workshops. This is the insurance program that allows seniors to join certain facilities for free and take these aerobics classes. I have taught a couple in the recent past and thought, you know I should really be more trained in this area. So I went. It was basically a 3 day training in chair exercise and water aerobics. It was nothing too strenuous, but it was like attending a 3 hour training where the first hour of every session was a repeat. We learned about how the program got started, why it started, when it got started, what type of seniors to look out for and so on. Of each 3 hour session only the last hour was the juicy stuff. It was a little frustrating. I might have left yesterday, if I had not carpooled with a couple of my employees. That would have looked horrible!! Oh well, I endured.

One thing to note, on Friday we were stuck in traffic on 635 hell, and lucky for the ladies I rode with I am familiar with the area. So we jaunted over towards Coppell. Would you all believe that I actually felt a twinge on homesickness for the area? Strange. It passed as quickly as it came over me, but I was missing my friends and having all these memories of all of the running and riding I had done through the area. I am still working on finding the right riding and running buddies here. It seems that everyone here is so stinking fast!! I can't keep up. I was considering a 5 mile run tonight with the tri group but their easy run is "possibly a sub 10 miler"!! I might could keep up for what a mile?? Hahahaha!!

I rode on Friday again with my friend RW. She is truely the fittest, leanest, and genuinely caring person I have met in FW so far!! We rode 26 miles averaging roughly 14 mph. It was great. Afterwards, I pulled the captain's chairs out of the Jeep and rested a bit before going inside to lead a water aerobics class. I felt great all day!!

Saturday morning started off with 500yd swim with the tri training group. I have officially started training for the Benbrook Women's Tri. It is October 7th. The swim was good. It was consistent. Nice. Today, or should I say tonight hotty hubby and I will ride for 1 hour. It is on the schedule!!

Well, I am off to enjoy the rest of the weekend!! Thanks to everyone who has stopped by to say hi!!

Blog on friends!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Smart vs. Not so smart

Okay, let's play a game. Smart vs. Not so smart

Having a plan to run 4 miles on Tuesday morning=smart
Waiting to run those miles until 7:00am=not so smart

Putting new music on MP3 player=smart
Forgetting to put new batteries in MP3 player=not so smart

Taking Nikko with me on the run=not so smart
(she got way hot)
Jumping in apartment pool before heading back into apartment=Way Smart!!

We finished a slow 3 miles in 36 minutes and walk/jogged the rest to round out 4.2 miles in 54 minutes. Shameful, but I got it done.

I have spent the afternoon learning how to teach SilverSneakers classes. Pretty fun, except for the part where we had to pretend to be 65 or older. How do you actually do that? My teeth are still intact, my joints still work properly, and I don't require additional oxygen to function properly. Hahahaha!! I should not be so mean. I did learn a lot today.

I think tonight, hotty hubby and I will go for a ride. I will have a hard time convincing him to go too far, due to the fact that he drives the car with no A/C and I think we actually hit 100. If not, we were close and the heat index is there. Hummm. I want to go on vacation. Has anyone been anywhere amazing lately?

Blog on friends!!

Monday, August 06, 2007


I have been headed this direction for a couple of years now. After reading Fast Food Nation and watching the movie, I have taken the plunge. I will eat fish though. I am now on day 2 of no meat. Hotty hubby is going to take a little longer, but he has decided the same. If you haven't seen that movie or read that book, you should. It is enlightening. It is disgusting. And it might just change your life. I had an upset stomach all weekend!! Nikko agrees, vegetarian is way cool!! Hahaha!!
I kept to my promise. I did not do a lot of anything except continue to clean the apartment and rest. I rested a lot. Hotty Hubby and I are recommitted to figuring out the sweating thing. I now have access to one of the best teaching hospitals in the nation. I hope to find some answers. I wanted to do the Dog Day Duathlon at White Rock, but it was so hot!! I spent very little time outside over the past 3 days!! It is nice, but everybody needs a little sun every now and then.

Today's workouts look like this:

Eliptical 45 minutes


Teaching Kickboxing

Teaching Water Class

Beginning tomorrow, my class load is dropping at a rapid pace. Tuesday only 2 classes and that is it for the rest of the week!! Yayayaya!!!! Next week, I will teach even fewer!! I can finally get back to my own thing!!

I must go for now. Nikko is demanding a walk and I have to get ready for work!!

Blog on friends!!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Hot, Hot, Hot!!

Okay, so maybe it is not as hot as last summer but the Texas humidity is a killer!! I rode with some friends this morning. I believe we rode 21.66miles. I can now say I have some riding buddies. I just hope they can put up with my weirdness!! (you know the whole sweating thing)

I had a great time until 18 or so. I was really hot. My friend Tarp seems to think it must be an electrolyte problem. I am still convinced it is not. I wish it were that easy. I think I might humor him and try the concoction he is suggesting. But, what I guess I don't know is exactly how much electrolytes does one need per hour of exercise? I know there has to be a formula out there somewhere.

This weekend I am resting!! I have taken today off for the most part. I am not sure you really take a day off when you work for the Y. People call for this and that. I can't help but to worry that I might be missing something pretty important.

Hotty hubby and I will likely ride. How far? How long? Hard to say. I know we are having lunch with the in-laws on Saturday. Other than that, who knows. I would like to get a swim and a run in. Not too far for the run though, I think we might hit triple digits this weekend and I don't have my early morning friends here in FW with me. Most of my tri friends are headed to RiverCities in Shreveport, LA (I think).

I have been re-inspired since getting back on the blog. I need to figure out how to give my site a make over. I am not so technologically savy. I must learn!! My profile pic doesn't look too much like me. Haha, still me but just a couple of years old. And a new masthead (is that what it is called?)

The other plan for the weekend is to seriously put together a plan for fall. What tri's and marys or half marys and rally rides I want to do.

So far on the list:
Benbrook Women's Tri (October 7)
FW Turkey Trot (Turkey Day)
White Rock half (?)

Hotty hubby and I have talked about a few rides, but have not fully decided on anything just yet!!

Blog on friends!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Wow!! Last night after work, I was motivated to go for a run. I really did not want to run on the dreadmill so I went running on the trails. Oh the luxury!!! I know some of you are jealous!! Haha!! Well, it really felt great to run lastnight. Nikko and I did not stop to walk. That was the first time in such a long time!! I did time myself but then hooked my watch on Nikko's collar. I was curious!! And I was excited to see the results. I am considering running the White Rock half. I know, don't get ahead of myself. It just finally felt good. It helped to have a bit of motivation to finish quickly too. I wanted to watch So you think you can dance. That is my fave show on right now!! I am totally hooked. I just wish I could dance like that!! Amazing!!

Well, I must get ready for work!!
Blog on friends!!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Can it be August already?

I feel like I have just moved across town to FW. How can it be that we actually moved 8 months ago? I am well on my way to beginning to train for my 3rd sprint tri. I am anxious to get going. I just have to stop teaching so much!! I am hoping by this time next week, I will be able to report that I am only teaching 3 classes a week!! With a great deal of luck, I will be able to report that I am I not teaching any more classes and I am not working until 9 three days a week!! I plan to get in a 3mile run today. I am thinking probably on the dreadmill due to the heat. I am only teaching one class this morning and I am quite tired. I do love to run!! I also have an 800 to swim today as well. Hummm. Where is runnersusan?? I went to her blog, but no posts?? Has she dropped off the face of the earth?? I must get to work!!

Blog on friends!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hi everbody, I am back!!

I have to say that I dearly miss everyone!! I am back on the blog world though. Working for the Y full time is really really hard. I will fill you in on the the chaos that I now call life. I work basically 7 days a week. (Not for too much longer, I think I am on the brink of hiring a few people.) I work a regular day, but wait, I also teach 3 classes on Mondays (cycle, kickboxing, and water aerobics); 2 classes on Tuesdays (cycle and strength class); one on Wednesdays (extreme strength), 2 on Thursdays (cycle and Legs, legs, legs); one on Friday (water aerobics); and one on Saturdays (cycle). With all of this teaching, there has not been much training or working out at all!! This has been it. I typically work 12 hour days because of all of the teaching. Like I said, things are going to get better soon!!

I haven't been training, but hotty hubby and I have been riding a little. Yesterday we rode in the Tour de Goatneck in Cleburn. Hotty hubby is donning new wheels. He now has a Bianchi Castro Valley commuter bike. He loves it and it fits him well!! I am still on the cadallic of cannondales. Ha. I haven't gotten a new one yet. It is coming, just not yet. Maybe for my birthday??? We rode 27 miles in 1 hour 53 minutes. We averaged 14.6mph. I think we were stronger this year than last, but I can't find in my blog anywhere that I posted about it. We felt great!! Both of us are approximately 6-10 pounds heavier than we were this time last year.

I find it incredibly difficult to find the balance between work, healthy eating and my former workout plan. Currently, I don't have any "new" running buddies. I recently joined a new tri group, but have not really gotten into it yet. I am now a member of TriCowtown. I am excited to get started!!

I should go. I have to get ready to head to the Y for some personal trainer meetings!! I miss you guys!! I plan to get back on track with posting and working out!!

Blog on friends!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Long lost friends!!

I have been so swamped!! I miss everyone!! I want a group run before it gets hot out! I have been sitting in trainings, meetings, and getting things done. That said, I have been having fun too. I have, since my last blog, taken over a team for volleyball. A coach so very unprofessionally quit mid season and now I have to take over. So you can add that to the mix. Kevin, Nikko and I spend about 2-3 evenings a week out on the trails walking, running, or riding. It has been so nice!! I miss my friends terribly!! To the point of tears these days!! I really miss you guys. I have been rock climbing too!! That was fun. I plan to go next week. It should be a blast! Gotta go to volleyball practice.

Blog on friends!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh blogger, I have missed you!!

Wow, it has been so long since I have posted. I have had the worst time making the move across the metroplex. It is a good move, I am glad I am here, but oh my goodness. The weather, the work, the weather....uggg. I love the cold weather though. Work is good. Work keeps me so busy I lose track of time. I have been chaotically (is that even a word?) working out. I now teach a cycling class on Mondays and a core class on Wednesdays. I don't teach anything else. I couldn't. I don't have time. Hotty hubby hates the commute. It is hard. He doesn't complain, but he came home and then went on a 15 mile bike ride last night. We still have boxes everywhere. It is quite stressful, having stuff everywhere. Nikko and I have been running. We ran Sunday (only about 2.5miles), and last night (somewhere between 3 and 4 miles). We are getting spoiled that the trails are so close. I love it. I miss all of my clients and running friends!! Perhaps we can all meet up and run at the Oak Grove park?? Is Massoman and his BW in London??

Blog on friends!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A case of the Mondays, but wait...

It feels like Monday. Is it Tuesday or did I somehow skip forward to Thursday? Who knows!! With the commute, everything that needs to be done at work, volleyball, running, packing, oh and sleeping I have run myself crazy already. It is very possible, I know I don't have much going on so there shouldn't be any reason to be wiped out. Ha!! Work is non stop. It is a challenge, perhaps one that I took a little too lightly. I am overcoming it all, but it is just so much. I almost had to fire one person, hire one person, and interview another. This is way more action than I anticipated during my first week. Whoa....sigh. And we can't move into our new apartment until Thursday instead of Wednesday. Oh well. I ran on Monday on the trails and boy did it feel great. I ran about 3.5miles. It was so great. No traffic, no one nearly hitting me with their car, no running before the sun came was nice. I had to go running. My brain was mush, I had to go so that I could get focused for the rest of the afternoon. Hum, I guess I am one of those people that just has to take a break and get away. I have got to go, I need to pack some more.

Blog on friends!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

What a whirlwind kind of day!!

Today was my first day "on the job". Ha. It was good. The commute was tough, but not too bad!! It took me longer to get home than to work. That was opposite of what I expected. I was met with smiling faces and a lot of support. I have a really cool office too. I overlook the pool and fitness center. Nice. I have a lot of work to do, but I know with some time, I will get it all done. The day went by so fast, I don't even really remember everything. That's pretty normal right?? I can tell you all one thing, looking at the pool inspires me to get my workouts in!! I am riding in the morning with my friend PM, probably 21 miles or so. I am looking forward to it. After that I have a huge day of volleyball. Every team plays tomorrow and it is only a one day tournament so I would like to see everyone play. Whew. That is a lot. I must rest up for now!!
Blog on friends!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

It's official!!

I am now employed by the Benbrook Community Center/YMCA. I am now the Health and Wellness Director. It sounds official too. Ha!! How ironic is it that I competed in the Benbrook Women's Tri just before being laid off and now here I am, one of the Directors. I am met with mixed emotion though. I really wanted to move away from Texas and the blazing heat, but to no avail. I am excited about living in my favorite spot in the metroplex. It sort of feels like I am moving home, only it is not home. Strange. I have taken a couple of days off and just done nothing...well, I have packed, packed, and packed. Geez, I have a lot of crap!! I have taken some time to read, reflect and oh yeah, packed. Nikko is confused, but she will figure it out. She will be so happy on the trails. Hotty hubby and I have rolled over 100 miles since Saturday. On New Year's Day we and another one of my friends rode in a 28 miler out in Blue Ridge. A tiny town north of here with a few other people. I surprised myself at one point riding 16.5mph into the wind with a group. We all finished and celebrated by having some black eyed peas and cornbread. Yummy!! I intend on writing more regularly now, since I won't be 15 minutes away from my dearest friends. I miss you all already!! I haven't even moved yet. That is a story for next week!!

Blog on friends!!