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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Food Log 9/1/05

Workout: Eliptical trainer 20 minutes (220 cal.)
Smoothie (Apple-strawberry juice[fresh from Central Market], small banana, and POS2)
1 cup Lucky Charms
1 cup Soy Milk
Cliff Bar
Hammer Gel
Huge Turkey Sandwich (at Central Market with Spinach and Mayo)
Zapps Sour cream and creole onion chips
4 English toffee chocolate chip cookies
Jones Cola

Running Totals:

** I picked up my new car this morning from Susan's house. It is the most fuel efficient car ever made. It is an American made car called Beck FLS (Fast Lean and Sculpted). Heehee!! My bike. Hahaha!! I plan to do more riding since gas prices are outrageous!!
**Update on that. I rode 8 miles today to work. Actually to the Y then to work. OH MY GOSH!! Kudos to cyclists. I was hot, thirsty and miserable. I was not in agony, but pretty close. I rode to work at 11:30 and it was already hot. My butt, thighs, and calves are sore. I officially fell 2 times, no blood though. I am still figuring out how to get my feet out of the clips fast enough. No worries though, I was on the side walk most of the time. Who knew that Corporate was so stinking hilly. Kevin picked me up from the Y tonight after work. Thank goodness for that, although he broke my chain putting the bike in the car. It's the effort that counts!! I am going to have to work up to riding round trips. 16 miles a day is a bit much for even people who are in really great shape.
1017 calories burned in exercise today.
Blog on friends!!

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