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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Running Log

Yesterday was our last long run before taper!! Yay!!! I can't even begin to tell you all how excited I am about that!! We went to FW again, you all know my love of running there. This weekend did not go as well as I had hoped, but we got our time in. We started out okay, both of us incredibly tired and not motivated to run at all!! 20 miles is tough to get excited about when your mileage has been so high for so long. We ended up doing 16. Our time was slow, but not discouraging. I won't make our time public, you all will just have to wait to see how we do in Chicago!! I got my expo ticket and bib number assignment yesterday!! It almost made me cry. Susan and I talked a lot about the sacrifices we had both made to make this marathon happen. We have given up family time, free time, and our love of horrible food on occasion (although at times it seems we did not hold back, or at least I didn't). Both of us have made it through 4 months of rediculiously hard training with out injury or illness. This is a big accomplishment because for our races last year we both had either gotten sick or hurt somewhere along the way. We have not backed down from this illusive goal of a 4 hour marathon. Relentless pursuit is what I like to call it. We have worked so hard for so long that now that the race is almost here we keep finding ourselves teary eyed and inspired (this is very true for me, and Susan I think. I should stop saying "we", but I know she is as excited as I am). My body is stronger than it has ever been. I am healthier now than I have ever been. I know with out a doubt that all of our hard work is paying off. I know now what I am capable of. All of those really negative things I was saying to myself in the past few months, were all unneccessary. I know now what I have been training for. It is coming in 2 weeks!! I know what is going to happen in 2 weeks. I will have a personal best (PB) at the marathon. I can't wait!! Chi town get ready!! Here we come!!

Blog on friends!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Roots running!!

I love running in FW!! It reminds of why I picked up running during college, well besides the ususal "to lose the freshmen 15, 20" reason. I love it. It was like runner's heaven. I am so inspired!! There were more runner's than drivers!! Can I get a halleluia???? No rude drivers, runner's who actually make eye contact and greet you with an enthusiastic "Hello and Good Morining". No snobs, no ex football players hitting on you and cleaner air!! I love it. I want more of it!! I set out on my own today a little hesitant. It was dark and I was alone. Scary I know!! There were other runners, but I did not have Richard or Susan with me. I was by myself. This in and of itself is very comforting. I have almost always been surrounded with other runners, but never actually trained and stuck with 2 people so intensely!! This is of course a complement to both of them. I can be a pain in the butt sometimes. I do however enjoy the occasional trek by myself. Knowing that in the end I won't see anyone I know is comforting. Is this strange? I love meeting and ending at Susan's house, but for a change is was wonderful to be by myself. I think I had forgetten the amazing woman that resides in my skin. I needed to be reconnected. I completed an amazing 14 miles this morning. I did it in 2:28!! Running like a rockstar I felt like I was even holding back a little. I am tired. My legs are on the verge of cramping, but it feels so good!! I couldn't be more pleased. I love going back to my roots of running. I love the memories that come flooding back every step I take through Overton Park. I miss that feeling. It is so inspiring. I am truely blessed!!
Blog on friends!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Who wears the pants in your house?

She wakes up in the morning. Takes us for walks and demands a ton of love!!

Running Log

Fatigue is a funny thing. It is difficult to determine whether you are actually running slow or if you are just perceiving a slower pace. Susan and I met at 5 to run our usual Wednesday run. We were scheduled for an 8 mile tempo, agreed on 5 miles, and ended up running 4. How does this happen? Well, it goes something like this...
Karrie at Susan's: Good morning
Susan getting into the Jeep: Good morning
Karrie: I am so tired
Susan: yeah me too
Karrie: Did you sleep much last night?
Susan: Yeah, I did pretty good.
Karrie: I can't believe it is still so hot!!
Susan: Yeah
We get out of the Jeep:
Karrie: Should we warm up or just go?
Susan: Just go
We walk to the start...silence...
Karrie: I don't really want to do this
Susan: Me either
Karrie: Let's go
Off we went
Mile 1 8:47
Walking interval 1:
Karrie: Wowwee, it is windy
Susan: At least it is not hot
Karrie: I am tired, my legs are so tired
Susan: Mine too
Karrie: Okay let's go
Mile 1.5 14:00
Crossing 1171, guess what? This idiot who is trying to turn left at the light honks at us, who by the way had the light to go ahead and cross the street. Many of you know that I have dealing with some anger issues when running. The anger is mostly projected at the idiots and jerks that have no respect for the rest of the active world. Susan and I almost simultaneously turned around and gave the driver the finger!! Shocking, I know. I am just so tired of these people who are in too big of a hurry to allow pedestrians to cross the stinking street!! The nerve. Again today I was driving down Hebron and this woman was walking across the large intersection and the light changed before she got all the way across. These two cars in front of me didn't honk...they nearly hit her. This woman stops dead in tracks, and is suddenly in the middle of the road and all of these cars are just going around her like she is not even there. Cars are all just dodging her. I was angry and terrified for her. I stopped. We made eye contact and she thanked me with a kind look of gratitude. What is wrong with the drivers of today? I don't get it. Back to the story:
Mile 1.9 (something like 20 minutes)
We have just climbed this evil hill
Walk break 2:
Susan: That hill is killing me. I am going to walk to the top of the hill, I don't care if our minute is over.
Karrie: Me too. Maybe we should just do 3.9. You want to turn around?
Susan: I'd be okay with that.
Karrie: You won't feel guilty later?
Susan: No
Karrie: okay
Walk break 3:
Karrie: I think if we run past our starting point, we will actually get 4 in.
Karrie: I would love an extra minute of walking.
Susan: Okay.My allergies are driving me nuts. I didn't rotate my allergy medications this morning. It is tough to even gather myself at 4:30 in the morning. Are you ready? Let's go.
Karrie: Sigh, okay
Mile 4: 39:27
Wow!! I was impressed!! Still am. I never caught my breath or felt great. I still don't. I am tired and feel like I had a very hard workout. Surprise I did. I actually can't believe that we did that well. Maybe I could have pushed through 5 miles, but my legs even right now are so tired. Thank goodness for cross training. At least I won't have to worry about being hit by idiot drivers on the eliptical. Oh, if by chance any of you locals see us out on the road cheer us on. Sometimes we need it and you will be less likely to get the finger!! Hahaha.
Blog on friends!!

Food Log 9/14

Power Gel
Cereal with Banana and Soy Milk
Theta Mix (it is like trail mix with secret ingredients)
Left over Pork chop
1/2 cup mashed Sweet Potato
Buttery Herbed Chicken (Weight watcher recipe)
Running Totals:
Calories: 2149

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Food Log 9/13/05

1/2 scoop Spark (4:45am)
1/2 packet of Muscle Fuel(4:45am)
Breakfast 1:(7:00am)
2 98%Fat Free Toaster Waffles
1/4 cup reduced calorie syrup
Breakfast 2:(8:30am--I am so hungry!!)
Fat Free Tortilla
1/2 cup Egg Beaters (no sour cream today--against dairy rules--heehee)
1/4 cup Glazed Walnuts Chocolate brownie flavored (Yummy!!)
Lunch: (1:00pm)
Grilled Chicken Sandwich
1/2 cup Caramel Apple Salad
1 oz. bag Cooler Ranch Doritos
Maple Glazed Pork Chop (1)
Sweet potato mashed with butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar
Simple Strawberry Mousse (from Weight Watchers)
Puff Pastry

Running Totals:
Workout: 30 minutes lame cross training, I might have slept through the whole thing. Did we actually workout this morning or was I dreaming?
225 calories burned
Walked Nikko for 30 minutes
126 calories burned
Calories eaten:1640

Monday, September 12, 2005

Running Log

Well, I needed some rest hence my delay in reporting about the run. It started off well. The humidity was awful right from the beginning (at 5 am). We were scheduled for a 23 mile run. Susan and I met at 5 to start our 2 mile walking warm up followed by a 21 mile run. The entire course was uphill. How is this possible? I have no idea but it was and it was hell. I thought I might try running the course in reverse to help with this. It did not really make a difference. Right from the start the drivers in Flower Mound were horrible. Before we ever reached the 3 mile mark, we had already been yelled at. I was angry. The passengers yelled "get on the sidewalk". My response to that was what side walk? I would if there was one. I thought "idiot" and went on. As the run progressed I thought could I only be half way finished? At mile 10, I thought surely the torture was almost over. My legs were shot. This is a normal response to hills. The humidity was increasingly torturous. I kept going. I was also getting very angry. I am not sure at what (the hills, the humidity, my self, the cars and drivers around me?). Well, probably about 15 miles or so into the run, I am running along the very edge of a road. This was back country road, not 2499, there were no sidewalks. This SUV came very close to hitting me. I was watching and ran off the road and into the ditch, by the way it was sort of a quick drop off so I basically had no where to go. The driver honked at me. The very next car came so close to me she hit me with her side mirror. I was so angry and terrified. Her mirror actually folded in. After she drove off (we shared words for a short bit), I called my husband in histerics. I was exhausted and scared. He was so wonderful in calming me down, but I knew I had to finish. I just began walking. I learned a few things during this run: 1) I can become a very angry person very quickly, 2) I learned how to give up, 3) I don't do well when I am very scared. I finished walking. I don't think I finished the 23 miles. I gave up. I stopped running. I shut down. It took me 5 hours. Not much better than what we did last year. I am very sore today and slightly discouraged. I am full of doubt and self questioning. This is the last month before the race. This sort of thing is supposed to happen. Unfortunately for me, my partner finished in a stellar time. She did so well. I am so excited for her. It is unfortunate for me because it just adds more questioning for me. What is wrong with me? Why can't I run hills? Why am I crapping out so easily? Will I do better this year than last? What is all of the hard training for if I end up in the same place I was in last year? Well the self loathing, pity and whining is over with. Everyone has bad training runs. I am strong enough to complete the race. I know I will do well. That training run is in the past. I can learn from it and move forward with the rest of the training. I am glad I got that "bad run" over with so that it doesn't come up at the race.
Blog on friends!!

Food Log 9/12/2005

POS2 Shake
1 banana
1 can lite sliced pears
2 Oatmeal bars
PB & J sandwich
American Cookie Company Cookies
Caramel Apple Salad (I have been looking forward to making this for sooooo long!! I only make it in the fall. Then I make it so much that I am tired of it before fall is over!!)
Super Pretzel
Endurox (I haven't added this yet, it is only if I am hungry when I get back from the gym)
Running Totals:
Calories: 1712
Fat: 26
Protein: 32.8

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Life gets in the way!!

I have been hearing from you all about how life is getting the way of your fitness goals. When this happens, my best advice is to try to maintain. When things are really stressful, busy, or just plain crazy you need to just focus on surviving the situation not losing weight. But you may say "I won't ever get back on track". YOU WILL!! If a healthier lifestyle is what you seek then you will get back on track when things slow down!! Don't beat yourself up because on Tuesday you woke up late, didn't pack a lunch, got to work late, and ended up at the drive through for dinner because you spent your entire day making up for the fact that you were late to begin with. Life happens. I am personally going through this myself. I think I have mentioned it you all. I have been covering tests for my co worker David in Ft. Worth, testing my own patients, training all of your beautiful faces, and dealing with my sister's allergic reaction to a spider bite on her foot (So far looking like 1 regular doc appointment, and possibly an ER visit if it is not significantly better today), and trying to maintain my own training schedule. Let's say this, my house is a mess, my husband and dog dearly miss their companion, and I am so worn out I am lucky I end up in the right place at the right time. So see it happens to all of us!! Hang in there, keep your goals in mind, but not in focus. Get through what is going on in life and then get back on track!! You will get to your goals!! I know you will. You will survive this and come out on the other side like the phenominal women I know you all to be!!
Blog on friends!!

Food Log 9/10

2 Kellog's 99% Fat Free Toaster Waffles
1/4 cup Aunt Jemima Low calorie Syrup
Apple Strawberry Juice

Running Totals:
Calories: 330
Fat: 1
Carbs: 103
Protein: 12
Fiber: 6.5

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Food Log 9/8/05

Workout: 30 minute eliptical trainer (306 cal); 25 hard weights and 30 minutes walking Nikko(284 cal)
Muscle Fuel
Cereal with Soy milk and banana
Apple Strawberry Juice (1 cup)
Breakfast 2:
Breakfast taco (98%Fat free tortilla, 2 oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup Egg Beaters, 1 TBSP Fat Free Sour Cream)
**Does anyone else feel so hungry that you might go into total nutrition meltdown? Just checking.
Lunch: (this is what I intend to have)
Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad

Running Totals:
Calories: 963
Protein: 73.4
Fiber: 12.5

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Food Log 9/7/2005

Power Gel
Endurox (post tempo run)
Oatmeal bar (post run)
Kashi Heart to Heart Cereal
Soy Milk
Total Breakdown:
Chick fil a sandwich
Sweet tea
Chicken Cesar Salad

Running Totals:
Not enough time, I will get to this later!!
Because I know the suspense maybe killing you, I ran 5 miles this morning in 53:30!! Yay!!!
I will go into it more later!!
Blog on Friends!!

**Monica, I have not seen you in a while!! What's up?
**Janice, I have not seen you since last week!!! Cardio??
**Becky, can't wait to hear all about your running this past weekend!! (Good stories???)
**Tamara are you still there?
**Candi, hang in there, be disciplined (how do you spell that?) you will get there!! Don't let stress get the best of you!!
**Susan, don't beat yourself up today!! Everyone has bad runs!! You did 4 miles, that is great!!

Exercise Opportunities for Wednesday, September 7

Yoga and Stretching anyone??
See ya at 8pm in the usual place!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Food Log 9/6/2005

I am back!! I have eaten so much over the last 3 days!! Wow, welcome back to reality!!
2 slices of toast with Apple Butter
1 medium apple
PB and J sandwich
1 cup grapes
Chocolate Strawberry smoothie
3oz Broiled Salmon
1/2 cup Brown rice
1 cup broccoli
POS2 shake

Running Totals:

Friday, September 02, 2005

Food Log 9/2

Okay, I have totally lost track!! I am exhausted and trying to get too many things done today!! I am going out of town for the weekend, so I will not be blogging!! Sorry for all you adicts!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Exercise Opportunities for Thursday, September 1st 2005

9:15am Cycle Class
9:20am Dancercize (aerobics room)
5:30pm Step Class
6:00pm Abs Class
6:00pm Yoga class (Dance Room)
6:30pm Power Pump (aerobics room)
Adult/teen Cycle class

All other exercise equipment is open from 5am-10pm!! Come on over, hop on a treadmill and walk for a while!! Your heart will thank you!!
I will see you all later!!

Food Log 9/1/05

Workout: Eliptical trainer 20 minutes (220 cal.)
Smoothie (Apple-strawberry juice[fresh from Central Market], small banana, and POS2)
1 cup Lucky Charms
1 cup Soy Milk
Cliff Bar
Hammer Gel
Huge Turkey Sandwich (at Central Market with Spinach and Mayo)
Zapps Sour cream and creole onion chips
4 English toffee chocolate chip cookies
Jones Cola

Running Totals:

** I picked up my new car this morning from Susan's house. It is the most fuel efficient car ever made. It is an American made car called Beck FLS (Fast Lean and Sculpted). Heehee!! My bike. Hahaha!! I plan to do more riding since gas prices are outrageous!!
**Update on that. I rode 8 miles today to work. Actually to the Y then to work. OH MY GOSH!! Kudos to cyclists. I was hot, thirsty and miserable. I was not in agony, but pretty close. I rode to work at 11:30 and it was already hot. My butt, thighs, and calves are sore. I officially fell 2 times, no blood though. I am still figuring out how to get my feet out of the clips fast enough. No worries though, I was on the side walk most of the time. Who knew that Corporate was so stinking hilly. Kevin picked me up from the Y tonight after work. Thank goodness for that, although he broke my chain putting the bike in the car. It's the effort that counts!! I am going to have to work up to riding round trips. 16 miles a day is a bit much for even people who are in really great shape.
1017 calories burned in exercise today.
Blog on friends!!