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Monday, May 08, 2006

Happy Monday!!

Ahhhh, back to a semi normal week!! Richard and I lifted this morning. I had a few clients, ran a test, and training a few more clients, and taught a kickboxing class. I love it!!! I am achey and tired, and happy!!
BTW, the vegetarian diet has been going really well. I had trouble tonight. My family ate a Dickey's (a BBQ place).The veggies are wilted and dead!! Sad really. I am putting forth great effort however. It is definitely hard to do!! I will conquer it.

Susan, I just saw you comment. I am sorry. I want to run sometime soon!! I want to chat with you about Feet in Motion.

Gotta go!!! Blog on friends!!


Cliff said...

Good luck on your diet...staying vege is hard :).

As for your commment..yes bonking is bad ...but i have legit reason to get my fill on junk food :D...

Unknown said...

Don't you have any halloween candy left to snack on during the day?