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Sunday, May 14, 2006

5, 35, and then a whole lotta food!!

I began mother's day with a 5 mile run with the Pacers. I quickly realized that I have so much work to do!! I kept up with the group for a short bit and then my foot started hurting. I decided to walk a bit then catch up. The only problem was that the group sped up. I tried to catch up then got discouraged. So I walked some more. Hummm. Oh well. I did not run as well as I had planned, but you know...that was my first 5 mile run in 6 weeks (over really). After the run I met my friend PM for a ride. I was hoping only for about 20miles. We some how got off track and started following the wrong guides. Ooops!! I was feeling great until around 19 or so. I was tired and my legs were jelloey. (Yes, in my little world that is a word). We got so far off track that I needed to stop at a gas station to refil my water and grab a Clif Bar. Umm, that was at mile 25. OMG!!! I was tired and ready to quit. We got back onto our bikes and rode down one of the busiest backroads in FM. Of course if we had not gotten off track, we would not have had to travel down it. Long story short it was the shortest and fastest way back to the Jeep. At somepoint I got ahead of PM and she stopped. I heard from a distance her hollering at me. I turned around and thought I was coming to a stop and fell off of my bike. It wasn't on the busy street thank goodness--I'd be dead. I did however end up with a bloody knee. It is a bit sore but fine. hahaha!! When we finished I was so glad to see the Jeep!! When I got home I had my hotty hubby take a pic of my longest day on the bike. I have never been that far all at one time!! Wow!! I have some seriously dead legs and one skinned knee!!


Cliff said...

Ouch..i hoep that knee gets better.

Unknown said...

Nice battle scar. That's more miles than I have ever spent on a bike at one time.

CJ said...

Hope the knee gets better but good on you for doing that ride.

teacherwoman said...

Sounds like quite the day! Hopefully you aren't too sore!