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Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's been awhile...

since I have blogged that is. Sorry about that!! I have been busy!!
Monday I ran with runnersusan. We did a recovery run for her and a long run for me. We did 8 miles. It was tough, but not bad. I was moving at a snails pace!! (14:13's). I finished and that is all that matters.
Tuesday I rode the spin cycle at the Y for 45 minutes. Boring. I have to learn what 90-100RPM's feels like.
Wednesday I ran trails with runnersusan. I have never done that before. It was pretty tough. I liked it. The key to trail running is to keep your eyes on the trail. I fell because I saw a bunny and was watching it. Just as soon as I looked at it, I was on the ground. Oops. I laughed. I am always falling down. Hmmm. I was supposed to test in the afternoon but due to an uncooperative van, I got the day off. Yippee!! I decided to go for a swim. Here was my workout:
1 x 200 warm up
1x 100
1 x 200
1x 300
1 x 400
2 x 50 kicking
1 x 200 cool down
I was whipped after that.
I still needed to get a ride in so hotty hubby and I went for a ride. We rode on some local trails (about 10-12miles). The bugs and gnats were terrible. I was wondering what the RDA is for gnat protein? Gross!! We made it back home and I was asleep faster than you could say goodnight.
This morning runnersusan and I went for another short run (3miles--11:57's). It was cooler but my goodness the humidity was almost unbearable. It was nice to get it over with. Tonight is another swim with the group. I am rested up and ready to go!!
My hips and hams are sore. (Just a note for myself).

Blog on friends!!


SRR said...

I hope you didn't get hurt falling! I'm the same way no trails for me!

Unknown said...

Nice trail moves you got there Karrie. You have to be aware of the bunny and the trail at the same time. Enjoy the heat!