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Sunday, August 20, 2006

If it is not a car, it's a boat???

Okay, first off let me say that I feel about 2 inches tall. My co-director was calling me on Friday night to tell me of a very tragic death that occurred in our area. On Friday, a 15 year old girl was struck by a boat on a local lake. She was tubing and another boat was right on the tale of hers. When she fell off the tube, the boat (which was being driven by an intoxicated man) ran her right over. The boat literally drove right over her little body. The very worst part of this story is that I coached her in volleyball two years ago. I knew her. I was friends with her. Hotty hubby and I walked around in a fog yesterday evening. How could such a terrible thing happen??? I can give you an idea. This morning after walking Nikko, Hotty hubby and I decided we'd head out to the lake for a swim. We were in the mood to wear the pooch out. I decided that since I was out there I'd get in a swim workout. So I told hotty hubby that I'd swim to the other point and come back. (totaling about 1 mile). I made to the other shore just fine. It was when I was swimming back that there was some trouble. I kept hearing a boat, and it sounded like it was really close and moving even closer. So I popped up and began treading water. Oh my gosh he is headed straight for me!!! Is this guy crazy??? I was not that far away from the shore. I was within 25 or so yards from the shore. What can he not see me??? I had on a black swim suit and a white swim cap. I began waving my hands and arms frantically. I was determined to get that driver's attention. Finally he gave me a wave back and moved away. You see when you are swimming, you can't just hop on the shoulder and avoid the boat coming right at you!! I need a bit more time than that. I am not that fast of a swimmer. I suppose I could be if he had not seen me. Anyway, he and the guy wakeboarding behind him created these massive waves that crashed me into the rocks along the shore. I cut my anke and had some serious trouble getting my focus back. I kept seeing that little girls face in my mind. In all different ways. I could see her setting the ball (ugly hands), her smiling at a match I went to watch, and I could imagine the accident. I couldn't shake it. I can only say that I am praying for her family. I don't know what else to do. I have sent a plant and a card, but what else can you do in this situation. I had to get this off my heart this evening. I have no anger for the crazy boat driver this morning. This is refreshing because last summer I had serious anger issues with car drivers and their disrespect for the active lifestyle. I have a bit more peace this summer. Perspective is a wonderful thing!!

Blog on friends!!

1 comment:

massoman said...

this is so tragic, karrie. there was no way for you to know why your co-director was calling you, and no way for any of us to answer the question, why did this have to happen at all?