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Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's all about strategy, right??

Let me fill you all in. Yesterday was a big workout day!!! I started off with a 5 mile dreadmill run (52:30). I trained a few clients then went home to rest. I still had a brick workout ahead of me. This for all who don't know is a bike with a run immediately following the bike. I rode the spin bike for 1 hour then beat the rain and ran 3 miles. I was pooped!!
This morning I ran my long run (18 miles). I got up early and went to WR lake and made one loop (9.2miles) then went to the Jeep to refill water and Hammer gel. I finished up as quickly as possible--only it was at a snails pace. I averaged 15 minute miles. I am left feeling irritated and sore!! So one, marathena, is left to ponder what it will take to shave approximately 3 minutes per mile off her time in let's say 8 weeks??? Will it be enough to just lay off the other training?? By other training I am refering to the swimming and biking, brick workouts and duathlons??? The simple answer would be a loud YES!!!! Ummm, with that said I also did a swim workout tonight with the Irongirls. I am way tired!! My right hip is bugging me a bit. I am not sure if I need an adjustment or rest or what. Probably both. I will have to make an appointment with Dr. Voodoo. It has been awhile any way. I gotta go!!
blog on friends!!


Dubs said...

18 mile run.. forget the pace.. I'm just impressed regardless!! :)

Unknown said...

That's some good training you got done. In order to shave that much time you're going to have to run faster (ha, ha, ha).

massoman said...

ditto dusty...