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Monday, March 20, 2006

I am feeling better today. I am still hobbling around, trying really hard no to, but it hurts!! This is the crappiest injury I have ever had. It just hangs around. Oh well. I miss my friends already. It will be a long month not getting to run with them, or run at all. Hmm. Lifting was good this morning. I desperately need to design a new program for us to do. Bootcamp tomorrow and cardio, cardio, cardio!! Kevin and I are planning a trip to Jamaica. Oh my gosh I want to be really lean!! I mean really lean!! I will do it!! I must go for now!!
Blog on friends!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the injury. Take care of yourself and get lean for me while you're at it.

kt said...

what's your "pf?" sounds bad and sounds like you really oughta do what the doc orders so you can get back into it! a month? now that i've been a slug for a whole month, it doesn't seem that long.
i'm afraid to step on the scale tho.
need to do something. i can't afford a gym. all you guys online use the Y. we are so podunk i guess we dont' even have a Y!
i guess i should move to arizona! (isn't that where you are?)
God bless...take care...cast your cares on Him!

massoman said...

jamaica? gonna buy a tan before you go? :) wow could you guys use, like, your very own private massage therapist who would work for plane fare?

Cliff said...

I hope your leg feels better.

E-Speed said...

uggh take care of your feet girl!

you will look great for Jamaica!