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Monday, September 28, 2009

Great start to the week

So my actual birthday was a bit of a bummer, I share it with my mother in law. I know, damn the irony. She turned 60 and I turned 32. Saturday was fantastic, but my birthday was yesterday. I know my hotty hubby will eventually redeem himself. Enough about that...

I ran about 1.25 miles this evening with a friend as I was training him. It was slow and I felt like a race horse wanting to go fast. It was good that I didn't my friend is just getting started into the running thing. After I got home from work, I decided that since I was sans Little Man and Nikko I thought I would go for a run. A boy, did I ever run. I ran about 4 more miles. At first I was just running because I was still a little iritated with Hotty Hubby. So I ran until the white noise in my head went quite. It took about 2 miles at about a 12 minute/mile pace. I was pooped but then I started listening to the words of the music I was streaming. I love my IPhone, more specifically I love Pandora on my IPhone. Anyway, I was listening to Breaking Benjamin. Ordinarily this is heavy and dark music and I choose to listen to light and airy music. But tonight I wanted to do some internal fighting. I am ready to stop using my mycoplasma as an excuse. Of course this is easier when I am running and it is not 200 degrees outside. Nonetheless, I needed to kick my spirit into gear. I enjoyed the music and the run. I am tired, my legs are quivery, and lower back is a little crabby. I finished my 4 miles in about 54 minutes, slow but done!! What a way to start the week.

I would like to write more, but it is time for bed. I am wiped out!!

Blog on friends!!

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